art, experiments, Natural Playscapes, permaculture, Permaculture class - Larissa

Permaculture Utopia

As my final, I’ve created a permaculture utopia for South Anchorage High School.

The plan includes: communication changes, outdoor classrooms, and a continual feedback loop from students, staff, and the community.

What would your ideal high school look like? Thanks for taking a moment to check out mine. Feedback is always welcome!

art, Earthship, experiments, gardening

Reuse – file drawers

Earthships use recycled material as building materials but most of us just use recycled or up cycled material where we can, and to save money.
I bought these gigantic file drawers at the local Habitat for Humanity ReStore (this is one of my favorite places to shop – I bought a bunch of old cabinet doors to finish off the coop there too) several weeks ago to use as planters. All three of them were only $5 and look interesting against the side of the garage.
The drawers have holes in the bottom, but I put them up on old cinder blocks and added gravel to the bottoms for better drainage. I planted them with zucchini and marigolds for some color and variety. The middle drawer has a couple bundles of firewood in it instead of plants because I needed someplace nice to put it. 🙂
The planters face west and get a little to dry to suit me so I added straw mulch to them yesterday.




art, decluttering

This site is an artsy version of city planning, architectural design and sustainable living is a weblog devoted to the future of design, tracking the innovations in technology, practices and materials that are pushing architecture and home design towards a smarter and more sustainable future.

Inhabitat was started by NYC designer Jill Fehrenbacher as a forum for investigating emerging trends in product, interior, and architectural design. Managing Editor Mike Chino and Senior EditorYuka Yoneda lead the editorial team, while Rebecca Paul steers business operations. The rest of the team is made up of the best design editors and writers from all over the world: Diane Pham(Architecture and Design Editor), Jessica Dailey (New York Editor), Bridgette Meinhold(Architecture Editor), Jasmin Malik Chua (copy editor + fashion editor at Ecouterre) and Julie Seguss (kids & wellness editor).


Art and Ideas

This was inspiration to me.  I want to make an archway in my garden that people can see from the street.  The sun would stream in and back-light the arch, inviting people to walk into the garden.

Reused Glass Bottles
Reused Glass Bottles in Wall of Earthship as Jewels Illumination as Stained Glass